Industrial Efficiency and Manufacturing Consulting

We generate leading-edge research portfolios, analyses and strategies to fast-track the uptake of industrial technologies and energy management systems for a secure, carbon-neutral economy.

Industrial Efficiency and Manufacturing Consulting

Climate Change Science and Policy Consulting

We help clients develop connected technologies, renewable resources, action plans and programs to cost-effectively increase energy and infrastructure reliability, mitigate life-cycle climate impacts and build resilience.

Climate Change Science and Policy Consulting

From vision to action: Strategic energy planning for a sustainable future.

Our planet faces escalating energy challenges that require flexible, proactive, integrated solutions. That’s why we’re fully immersed in the latest energy trends, analytics and technologies powering progress. Our agile, strategic energy consultants are adept at translating complex technical findings into engaging reports and well-designed products, events and programs. Explore our subject matter expertise below.

Technical Analysis & Modeling

  • Emerging energy technology assessments
  • Cost-benefit analysis, including life cycle and techno-economic
  • Modeling of energy and climate impacts
  • Green energy market transformation (including market intelligence, market analysis/segmentation)
  • Data collection, aggregation, analysis and insights
  • Geospatial analysis and visualization

Strategic Energy Planning & Roadmap Development

  • Vision documents and technology roadmaps
  • Strategic energy plans that align with technology and financial resources
  • Roadmaps and strategic frameworks to guide research teams, sectors and communities in achieving technology innovation, reliable infrastructures and energy security.

Stakeholder Engagement, Facilitation & Communications

  • Customized, goal-oriented outreach and engagement
  • In-person and virtual facilitation
  • Print and digital materials creation
  • Full-service editorial support
  • Infographics and visual communications for targeted audiences

Clean Energy Third-Party Evaluation

  • Analytical review of new green energy technologies and deployment programs
  • Environmental and economic performance metrics
  • Decarbonization process improvements and best practices

Program & Project Management

  • Energy program portfolio analysis, merit review
  • Metrics development and progress evaluation
  • Annual and multi-year program planning and execution

Public Funding Acquisition

  • Identification of local, state and federal government funding opportunities
  • Proposal and grant application development

Tell us more about your energy challenges. We’re here to help.

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